What the Press Wants to Know

When you run for office you can expect to be interviewed by the press. Reporters from the Portland Press Herald and the Portland Phoenix requested interviews this week. They both had similar questions. Here are the questions and my answers.

Why am I running? 

The school board needs a teacher’s perspective when formulating policy. My classroom experience gives me first-hand knowledge of what must occur between the teacher and the student to make learning happen.

Why am I the best candidate? 

I know the difference between what policies will work and what policies won’t work at the classroom level. My training is to look critically at data, to analyze and evaluate.

None of the present school board members have my 40 years of experience as a teacher or the 16 years of engagement with my sons elementary, middle and high school activities. This first-hand experience combined with my doctorate in Public Policy gives me a unique understanding of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to policy decisions.

My focus is on better student outcomes. Better student outcomes are determined by strong teacher student relationships. All this is done with responsible stewardship of taxpayer monies.

What is the most important issue? What will I do on the school board? 

The critical priority for Portland Public Schools is improving all student outcomes.

If teaching and learning are mutual, then, students and teachers need time with each other for teaching and learning to happen. Let’s make that interaction the first priority!

The learning process requires that students and teachers rely on each other. If the School Board provides the time and materials needed to teach and learn, then, students and teachers can go to school each day confident the administration and community supports them.

Support comes in many forms. Let’s push for policies that give teachers and students the time and support to encourage learning. To do this, we need enough committed teachers and educational technicians to give each child the support to excel with lessons that inspire!

Many of our students come from difficult circumstances. We will engage with our partners in the social services to ensure there is enough time for students to learn without trauma.  We must explore the option for these social services to provide both the funding and services that are peripheral but necessary to support learning.

How old am I?  

I am 68 years old. 

If you like my approach, please vote for me and tell your friends too! 


Overlooked and Neglected Heroes!


Improving Student Outcomes