Portland Students Need a Learning Recovery Plan

Just yesterday we learned Maine students’ reading and writing skills fell below the national average again according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. 

One can assume Portland’s students were below Maine’s average because statistically, urban students perform at lower levels than suburban and small town students. 

Where was the Plan? 

Clearly, the lack of in-person contact would compromise teaching and learning during Covid. Why wasn’t the School Board leadership accounting for this?  Leadership anticipates, plans and executes the plan.

To date I have not seen or heard of any plan or commitment by Portland’s School Board about how we would accelerate post-pandemic teaching and learning.  

Unfortunately, the leadership of the Portland School Board seems to be more focused on winning the Yes on 5 referendum rather than developing a strong, aggressive plan to bring all students on track.


Some Thoughts Worth Implementing 

The situation is an emergency. Our students and teachers need a plan and a commitment from the School Board to improve the significantly lower reading and math scores reported by the NAEP.  It’s obvious we need to accelerate our teaching and learning efforts. Expanded learning throughout the calendar year is a start but requires a plan and commitment. 

The plan must be bold. There is an immediate need to increase the time students are in school working with adults. The shortage of teaching staff must be supplemented by a move of staff out of offices and into the classrooms and on to the buses. This is not a job for the teachers and ed techs alone. 

My candidacy for the Portland School Board is not about making promises to achieve a higher position in academia or government. It’s not about being a card-carrying member of the Republican, Democrat or Democratic Socialists of America party. It’s about Improving Student Outcomes immediately.

I dedicated my working life and now my retirement to bring out the best in all students.

If you want to see change and improvement cast your ballot for me. Tell your friends and family why you will VOTE for Opperman for School Board in this election.


Transformative Learning is a Solution Worthy of Portland Promise


Overlooked and Neglected Heroes!