December 2022 Portland School Board Memo to District 3 Community

DATE: January 2, 2023

TO: The District 3 Community

FROM: Julianne R. Opperman

RE: December 2022 Actions

This memo is to inform you about recent Portland School Board activity and the carrying out of policy in our Schools. 

December, my first month on the School Board was quite a month at the Portland Public Schools,  It included: 

  • The resignation of Superintendent Botana - Meali Nalli and Aaron Townsend will serve as interim co-superintendents until a new replacement is found in June

  • The resignation of Emily Figdor as Chair of the Board - Sarah Lentz is now the new Chair

  • A new payroll system will be installed to avoid future issues with payroll delivery

  • The implementation of a new program called “Response to Intervention” is designed to increase student success and confidence and  decrease student dissatisfaction  

Leadership Changes

The recent resignations of Superintendent Botano and Board Chair Emily Figdor has brought a barrage of information. Questions lead to clarity and I am hopeful we will make progress towards better outcomes for all students, increased support for students and the teaching staff, and improved stewardship of resources.

Meet the New Vice Chair of Operations, Human Relations and Finance Committee

We meet on January 5, 2023. Our plan is to move forward cautiously. We are in the process of developing a budget for the 2023-2024  school year. I have been spending a lot of time scrutinizing the 2022-2023 budget to better understand where the money is being spent and look for ways to improve our ability to get the most from our resources. .  

New Member of the Curriculum and Policy Committee

This committee has not met to date, but a meeting is in the works. In the meantime, the Board, faculty and staff are implementing two new programs which I will be watching intently. 

The first program is “Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports” (PBIS) in the Middle Schools. The goal is to build the connections between students and teachers that foster trust. Students’ daily contributions and successes will be celebrated by teachers and administrators with the hope to improve the overall school climate and avoid events like the student protests of last Spring  .  

The second program to be installed is “Response to Intervention (RtI) which identifies the individual needs of all students. Ideally, more directed academic support will help students fill in gaps in knowledge and skills. The tiered system begins in the classroom. Additional support can be given as needed.  The system can be very effective with the necessary support for students and teachers. Literacy and Special Education are part of the system.  

As a former teacher, I recognize that if these programs are “one more thing” required of teachers then, the energy and enthusiasm of the staff will not meet the challenge. Time and support are critical to a strong, resilient teaching staff. I brought these points up to the Middle School and Central Office staff during the presentation. I will continue to bring this forward as we meet in committee and as a full board.

Let’s Hear From the Teachers - Teacher Advisory Council

Communicating policies, ideas and issues within the system is critical to support the work of teaching and learning. I have requested that the School Board consider a Teacher Advisory Council to the Superintendent be brought to a board workshop in the near future.  

Let’s Keep in Touch

I learned so much meeting you during the election campaign. Your viewpoints gave me a wider perspective of teaching and learning in the PPS.   I want to keep that flow of communication open. 

I will attend as many PTO meetings as possible throughout the year.  I have and will continue to meet with teachers, students and staff and attend District 3 neighborhood organization on an as needed basis.

All School Board meetings are open to the public. The agenda is published on the Friday before the meeting. The School Board meets on the first and third Tuesday every month except July.  You may participate and observe on Zoom. The meetings are also available on Youtube. Just click here.


January 2023 School Board Memo to District 3 Community


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