Running for School Board!

It is a great responsibility to run for public office. My candidacy for the Portland School Board District 3 seat begins today.

When asked, “Why are you running for School Board?”, there are many possible answers. All of them center on the reason I taught for 40 years - the students. 

I am committed to the Portland Public School students. My experience taught me that teaching and learning involve both intellectual and emotional engagement. No matter the situation in which education happens, the interaction between the student and the teacher is a shared relationship with a common goal. Developing that relationship and reaching the goal only happens when the school system and community provides the support necessary.

Commitment is real when action is taken. Commitment is based on beliefs. This is what I believe.

  • All persons are created equal. 

  • The individual is capable of more than they or anyone else can imagine.

  • Education's purpose is to realize the individual’s potential beyond expectations.

  • Public education’s purpose is to ensure everyone is supported to fulfill their potential.

  • Education is maximized in the interactions between student and teacher. 

  • The school’s purpose is to support the student’s and the teacher’s work.

  • Learning is the work of both the student and the teacher.

Because of these beliefs I pledge to do the following..

  • Support the work of students and teachers.

  • Ensure that Portland Public Schools support the work of students and teachers.

  • Guard the right of each individual to reach their full potential.

  • Honor the uniqueness of the individual.

  • Listen to the voices of concern for public education.

  • Honor the trust the community places in me to use resources wisely and effectively.

I can’t do it all alone. As the homepage on this website states: Let’s Work Together to Make Portland Public Schools a place where Learning is Encouraged; All Students Grow and Flourish; and Our Community Thrives! You can be assured these three concepts will guide my decisions should you elect me to the Portland School Board. Learn how to get involved here:


Comments and Questions for School Board from Portland District 3.